March Poems Index


Title/From Begins Poet
Faerie Queene First sturdy March, with brows full sternly bent Edmund Spenser
 Daffodils  I wandered lonely as a cloud William Wordsworth
 Written in March  The cock is crowing, The stream is flowing, William Wordsworth
 To My Sister  It is the first mild day of March William Wordsworth
Lines Written in Early Spring  I heard a thousand blended notes, William Wordsworth
The Tables Turned Up! up my friend, and quit your books William Wordsworth
 Stormy Day  O look how the loops and balloons of bloom W R Rodgers
 When I set out for Lyonesse   When I set out for Lyonesse Thomas Hardy
 Beeny Cliff  O the opal and the sapphire of that wandering Thomas Hardy
 Weathers  This is the weather the cuckoo likes Thomas Hardy